Inovia is Recruiting Vein Specialists to Oregon

Inovia Vein Specialty Centers are recruiting two vein specialists to clinics in the Portland, Oregon area.

The Opportunities:

JOB SHARE:  One position is part time/job share opportunity to join our Northwest Portland office.

FULL TIME:  The second position is a de novo startup opportunity to join with us to start up a new clinic.  You will work with Drs Ed Boyle and Andrew Jones and our experienced start up team will secure the site, hire and train the team and help build the practice to success. 


Who Should Apply?: 

This is a great opportunity for any physician regardless of stage of their career looking to make a work life balance transition from the busy, hospital and call based specialties where urgent and emergent responsibilities are common.  Vein care can be practiced in a near opposite way: 

  • Rather than mostly inpatient broad-based care it is all outpatient vein focused care
  • Rather than starting at 6 am you show up at 8 am.
  • Rather than sticking around after 5 pm for add on cases and consults, you can go home at or before 5 pm
  • Rather than working through lunch you can take a break and go out and get stuff done
  • Rather than being called upon night and day, you have scheduled clinic days that are planned out and have a set end time.
  • Rather than missing soccer games, work outs, dinner with family or checking in with your kids at school, you can make time to do this.
  • Rather than working for a hospital system that devalues your work and beats you down with endless meetings and protocols, you can work with like-minded doctors who left that life for the same reason as you do build something better for themselves and their patients.  


Background Qualifications:  There is no one qualification to focus on a vein practice.  Traditionally, vein specialists have come from the following backgrounds:

  • Vascular Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Cardiology/Cardiac Surgery
  • Emergency medicine
  • Primary care

We are the most experienced vein providers our part of the United States. We have systems in place to make practicing easy as well as full office support from the team.  We can train the right person from those right out of residency to those in later career transition.


CONTACT:  Katherine Fukumoto ([email protected]) or Maryliz Chapman ([email protected] ) for details.

Ready to Start your Vein Treatment Journey?

Request an appointment today to meet with leading vein experts at any of our clinics in:
NW Portland, Tigard, Happy Valley, Tanasbourne, Vancouver or Bend.


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